Summer Series Off to a Fast Start

The summer series is officially underway at DCYC!

We kicked the day off with some grilling, had a nice long race, and wrapped up enjoying the post race sunset. Thank you to everyone who helped with the grilling and setup.

The wind was a litte higher than predicted, and that led to some exciting racing! Dr. Hoppenstein and crew on Cyrano took the honors of the day, followed by Frank and Nino on Blue Monk! Dr. Jay even executed a textbook (wo)man overboard maneuver! Pretty exciting stuff!!

We hope to see everyone out again next weekend for the second installment in the summer series!

DCYC Spring Series and Beercan Update

We are 2 race days into the spring series and there are some tight races developing. The results stand as such:

In the PHRF-A (fast boat) fleet, Matt Harden and the Viper crew are in solid first with 4 points. We have a close race for second though, with David Patterson on Adios with 9 points, and Dan Wolf on Scoots is breathing down his neck with 10 points.  Dr. Hoppenstein on Cyrano and John Finks on Shotglass are tied for 4th, each having missed a day of racing.

In PHRF-B, Dick Peters on Yoda is dominating. With his all-girl crew, Dick has 4 bullets this season for a total of 4 points. Jim Ryon on Rokon is solidly in second with 9, while Bob Sittel on No Mas has 15 and and yours truly on Shark has 17, both having missed a few.

You can’t win if you don’t race!

The next series race is on Opening Day, and what a great opportunity to show some of these tight races. I’ll be out of town, but watching the results from afar.

The last couple of beercan races have seen some pretty windy conditions, so we haven’t had a huge turnout, but we’ve had some great sails and some beautiful sunsets 🙂IMG_20170419_202354606

Public Meeting for Lake Lewisville Master Plan revision

The Commodore would like to inform you of an upcoming public meeting hosted by the US Army Corp of Engineers  for the purpose of discussing the Lake Lewisville Master Plan revision.  Per the attached news release, “(k)ey topics to be addressed in the revised Master Plan include revised land classifications, revised natural and recreational resource management objectives, utility corridors, recreation facility needs and special topics such as invasive species management.”