Miss Conduct Takes First at J-Fest!

Huge congratulations to James Freedman and Team Miss Conduct on cleaning up at J-Fest Southwest held at Lakewood Yacht Club this weekend!

We had four terrific teams compete at Lakewood this weekend, including Chris Holmes and Team Bad Moon, Tim Johnson and Team Grey Wolf, and Andrew Theisman and Team Youn’Guns.

Well done, all! DCYC is proud of our J-24 racers!

Thanks to Victoria Hielscher for the pix of Team Bad Moon at J-Fest! Check out the dramatic images of the front moving in. Racing was canceled on Sunday due to weather. Nice captures, Victoria!!


Thanks to Victoria Hielscher for the pix of Team Bad Moon at J-Fest!

If you have pix from the regatta, please send them along! 


From the Commodore

Wow, October is almost over. Personally, I’m done with the summer temperatures. Who would have thought we would still have 99 degree days in September/October? I’m ready for the cooler temps.

What’s been going on at our club?

I do hope you had the opportunity to attend some of the September/October social activities and events. We had a great pot luck /raft up on Labor Day weekend that was well attended. Michele and Darrin Ditmer hosted a great Disco party that was fun for all and I was sore for three days after all that dancing. Then we had the picnic on the lake hosted by John Horwedel that I understand had some great food and all had a good time. We ended September with a great Italian dinner hosted by Dagny Boaz that was wonderful and the Pirates of the Corinthian Regatta which had great participation of over 70 youth sailors thanks to the efforts of Michele Ditmer and her team of volunteers.

October has been a great month with our annual Terlingua-In-Exile Regatta, the Chili-Chili Cook Off, and the famous Al Schlitz Beer Can Regatta,  all of which had a great turn out thanks to the efforts of Peter, Heather, Justin, and Suzanne, plus the many volunteers. These social events along with all the scheduled sailing events and races are what make DCYC a great place. Remember: “The overall enjoyment and fun that happens at DCYC occurs when you become involved, meet new people and contribute to the ownership and camaraderie of our club. DCYC is a MEMBER OWNED, ALL VOLUNTEER OPERATED club.  It takes each and every one of us contributing in some way to keep the yacht club fun, inviting, and fully operational.”

The ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING is scheduled for November 4th. This year, it will start at 11 am and we are adding a little pot luck flair to it after the meeting. Please place it on your calendar so you will not miss this important meeting. At this is the meeting, we give a short recap of 2017 and the financial position of the club. Additionally, you will have a chance to approve three new members of the Board of Governors that will help make the important club decisions for the next three years. We also discuss and approve the 2018 budget and any suggested capital improvements. A quorum of at least 25% of the members must be present. There is also a Dock Meeting for those of you who own a dock. Please participate—sign up on the web site so we know you’re coming. Are you interested in finding out how the club operates and participating in helping to improve our club? Then toss your name in the hat as a candidate for a seat on the Board of Governors and help make DCYC the best it can be. We encourage anyone interested in joining the leadership team to contact David Paterson at 972-816- 6665.

What Else has been going on?

Your Board of Governors, flag officers, the Dock Committee and Long Range Planning Committee have all been working hard prepping for the annual meeting. Did you notice the basketball court is free of floats and cleaned up? Thank you Tim Johnson and his team of DCYC volunteer helpers in making this happen and thanks to Randall Massey for the donation of new basketballs and rack. Repairs have been made to the electrical system providing power to the pool, pump house and more thanks to Chance Beck and David Meek. In addition, a new mast pole has been installed near the crane pad thanks to Tim Johnson and David Meek.

What’s about to Happen?

October 21-22:  Hobie Cat RegattaCome on down to welcome our visitors and watch these Hobies fly across the water.

October 28: Halloween Party!  A great time for everyone to get dressed up for the best Halloween costume party ever, so call the sitter, put the kids to bed. It’s time for the Grown-Ups to raise the Dead! Witches Brew will be flowing or bring your own Poison. It’s a pot luck. Click here to register

November 4: Annual Member Meeting at 11 am. Includes dock meeting and followed up by a pot luck upstairs. Come find out what has happened, what’s going to happen in 2018, and vote on your new Board of Governor members. Click here to register.

December 9: Commodore/Christmas Dinner. Come join us for a great evening of dining and a salute to those that have served the club this year. Click here to register.

What needs to happen:

Have you signed up on Bill.com yet? Last time I checked, there were only about 35 members not yet signed up. For those that have, thank you. For those that have not, please sign up. Bill.com affords us better internal controls. When we can avoid cash or check transactions, the money is directly deposited, and that means we decrease our chances for errors. The system is FDIC insured, so it’s as safe as can be. You can either opt to manually pay each month or auto pay. Personally, I opted for auto pay. The system even sends me a notice before they debit my account. It’s so simple and I never risk having a late charge because I forgot or paid the same old amount. Please help me help your club: sign up for bill.com today.  Go to: https://app.bill.com/p/dcycbilling
If you have any issues and/or questions, please contact the DCYC Treasurer, Jeff
Ellefson, CPA at 972-447-9912 or jeffery.l.ellefson.gmail.com.

 I want DCYC to be the best place it can be and hope each of you want the same.
Please know my door is always open. If you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints concerning your club, please get in touch with me.

 If you want to get more involved with special projects, or have a company or the resources to help DCYC in any way, please get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

We can’t adjust the wind, but we can adjust the sails!

James Hankins

214-549- 1122