Valentine’s Day Race Delay for 29 Degree Temps

Fleet Captains trying to decide whether or not they should proceed with a race in less than ideal conditions often consult with the “Go-No-Go” calculator (like this one at Rush Creek). Plug in a few numbers and the calculator produces a verdict that quantifies the risk. Scores between zero and 59 mean sailing is on. Scores between 60 and 70 fall into the dreaded “Race Committee Discretion” zone. And then scores 71 and above dictate “No Sailing Today.”

At 1 pm, with a temperature of 29 degrees, the calculator spit out a score of 106.

So. No sailing for you today, young lovers. But never fear, for the race will be rescheduled for better conditions. It must be rescheduled because we already have three crystal trophies etched up for the event. So we will compete somehow, sometime, someway for those lovelies, even if it just comes down to the women on the participating teams arm-wrestling for them.

Stay tuned for the rescheduled event.


Valentine's Day No Go

Msg from the Commodore on Dogs and Trailer Storage

Dear Members,

First, I want to thank all of you who attended the Annual Member Meeting this past Saturday. We have a few remaining items to address:


As we all know, we have long been a pet/dog friendly club and hope we can remain so. Recently, I have noticed (and a number of members have complained about) pet owners not picking up and cleaning after their pets. I have also received complaints about dogs running off leash around the club under no supervision (which is probably one reason we have the droppings all over the grounds). Please bear in mind some of our members and guests are not dog lovers and prefer to keep their distance, a real challenge when dogs are running off leash.

With that said, please recall that the rules clearly state the following regarding pets:

1.    All pets on DCYC property must be kept on a leash and under their handlers’ direct control at all times while on DCYC property. The pet’s owners are responsible for any and all damages caused by their pet. Furthermore, owners must immediately clean up after their pets while on DCYC property.

2.    Pets are not allowed in the club house.

3.    Pets are not allowed in the pool or pool area.   

I’m asking all members to please comply with these rules. If not, our BOG members will come up with a way to deal with those that continue to disregard our rules.   



We are having issues with members bringing in boats and or trailers without going through proper channels. The dry storage area and the bone yard are under the supervision of the Rear Commodore and assisted by David Patterson.

Before you bring a boat or trailer on the property, be it in a wet slip or dry storage, please bear in mind:

1.     You must complete the boat trailer registration form located in the member section and send to the Rear Commodore.

2.     Your boat and/or trailer must have insurance.

3.     You must not have a lock on your trailer.

4.     You must keep your boat and or trailer in good repair (no flats, no torn boat covers).

5.     You must put your name and contact info on the trailer tongue.

Your cooperation in complying with these policies is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, my door is open to you, as always.

Phyllis and I wish for all of you a safe and joyful Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thank you,

James Hankins – Commodore 2017

Miss Conduct Takes First at J-Fest!

Huge congratulations to James Freedman and Team Miss Conduct on cleaning up at J-Fest Southwest held at Lakewood Yacht Club this weekend!

We had four terrific teams compete at Lakewood this weekend, including Chris Holmes and Team Bad Moon, Tim Johnson and Team Grey Wolf, and Andrew Theisman and Team Youn’Guns.

Well done, all! DCYC is proud of our J-24 racers!

Thanks to Victoria Hielscher for the pix of Team Bad Moon at J-Fest! Check out the dramatic images of the front moving in. Racing was canceled on Sunday due to weather. Nice captures, Victoria!!


Thanks to Victoria Hielscher for the pix of Team Bad Moon at J-Fest!

If you have pix from the regatta, please send them along! 


From the Commodore

Wow, October is almost over. Personally, I’m done with the summer temperatures. Who would have thought we would still have 99 degree days in September/October? I’m ready for the cooler temps.

What’s been going on at our club?

I do hope you had the opportunity to attend some of the September/October social activities and events. We had a great pot luck /raft up on Labor Day weekend that was well attended. Michele and Darrin Ditmer hosted a great Disco party that was fun for all and I was sore for three days after all that dancing. Then we had the picnic on the lake hosted by John Horwedel that I understand had some great food and all had a good time. We ended September with a great Italian dinner hosted by Dagny Boaz that was wonderful and the Pirates of the Corinthian Regatta which had great participation of over 70 youth sailors thanks to the efforts of Michele Ditmer and her team of volunteers.

October has been a great month with our annual Terlingua-In-Exile Regatta, the Chili-Chili Cook Off, and the famous Al Schlitz Beer Can Regatta,  all of which had a great turn out thanks to the efforts of Peter, Heather, Justin, and Suzanne, plus the many volunteers. These social events along with all the scheduled sailing events and races are what make DCYC a great place. Remember: “The overall enjoyment and fun that happens at DCYC occurs when you become involved, meet new people and contribute to the ownership and camaraderie of our club. DCYC is a MEMBER OWNED, ALL VOLUNTEER OPERATED club.  It takes each and every one of us contributing in some way to keep the yacht club fun, inviting, and fully operational.”

The ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING is scheduled for November 4th. This year, it will start at 11 am and we are adding a little pot luck flair to it after the meeting. Please place it on your calendar so you will not miss this important meeting. At this is the meeting, we give a short recap of 2017 and the financial position of the club. Additionally, you will have a chance to approve three new members of the Board of Governors that will help make the important club decisions for the next three years. We also discuss and approve the 2018 budget and any suggested capital improvements. A quorum of at least 25% of the members must be present. There is also a Dock Meeting for those of you who own a dock. Please participate—sign up on the web site so we know you’re coming. Are you interested in finding out how the club operates and participating in helping to improve our club? Then toss your name in the hat as a candidate for a seat on the Board of Governors and help make DCYC the best it can be. We encourage anyone interested in joining the leadership team to contact David Paterson at 972-816- 6665.

What Else has been going on?

Your Board of Governors, flag officers, the Dock Committee and Long Range Planning Committee have all been working hard prepping for the annual meeting. Did you notice the basketball court is free of floats and cleaned up? Thank you Tim Johnson and his team of DCYC volunteer helpers in making this happen and thanks to Randall Massey for the donation of new basketballs and rack. Repairs have been made to the electrical system providing power to the pool, pump house and more thanks to Chance Beck and David Meek. In addition, a new mast pole has been installed near the crane pad thanks to Tim Johnson and David Meek.

What’s about to Happen?

October 21-22:  Hobie Cat RegattaCome on down to welcome our visitors and watch these Hobies fly across the water.

October 28: Halloween Party!  A great time for everyone to get dressed up for the best Halloween costume party ever, so call the sitter, put the kids to bed. It’s time for the Grown-Ups to raise the Dead! Witches Brew will be flowing or bring your own Poison. It’s a pot luck. Click here to register

November 4: Annual Member Meeting at 11 am. Includes dock meeting and followed up by a pot luck upstairs. Come find out what has happened, what’s going to happen in 2018, and vote on your new Board of Governor members. Click here to register.

December 9: Commodore/Christmas Dinner. Come join us for a great evening of dining and a salute to those that have served the club this year. Click here to register.

What needs to happen:

Have you signed up on yet? Last time I checked, there were only about 35 members not yet signed up. For those that have, thank you. For those that have not, please sign up. affords us better internal controls. When we can avoid cash or check transactions, the money is directly deposited, and that means we decrease our chances for errors. The system is FDIC insured, so it’s as safe as can be. You can either opt to manually pay each month or auto pay. Personally, I opted for auto pay. The system even sends me a notice before they debit my account. It’s so simple and I never risk having a late charge because I forgot or paid the same old amount. Please help me help your club: sign up for today.  Go to:
If you have any issues and/or questions, please contact the DCYC Treasurer, Jeff
Ellefson, CPA at 972-447-9912 or

 I want DCYC to be the best place it can be and hope each of you want the same.
Please know my door is always open. If you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints concerning your club, please get in touch with me.

 If you want to get more involved with special projects, or have a company or the resources to help DCYC in any way, please get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

We can’t adjust the wind, but we can adjust the sails!

James Hankins

214-549- 1122

J/24 “Texas State Championship” at Austin Yacht Club

DCYC has four of our J/24 teams heading to Austin to compete in the Texas State Championship this weekend. Join us in wishing Team Miss Conduct, Team Bad Moon, Team Gray Wolf, and Team YounGuns good luck and great winds!

The teams are sending us pictures this weekend, so come back here to see what our teams are up to in Austin!

Image courtesy of Peter Brigaitis.

Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.

Sunrise at Austin Yacht Club. Image courtesy of Peter Brigaitis.

Image courtesy of Christopher Holmes.

Image courtesy of Christopher Holmes.

Image courtesy of Christopher Holmes.

Image courtesy of Christopher Holmes.

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher.

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher.

A charming little time capsule found in Bad Moon’s first aid kit. 🙂
Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher.

A somewhat more distressing time capsule in Bad Moon’s first aid kit. Oh, dear….
Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher.

Joey Holmes loves racing Bad Moon so much, she bleeds for it. 🙂
Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher.

Sunday morning sunrise. Courtesy of Peter Brigaitis.

Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.

Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.

Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.


Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.


Image courtesy of Angel Shellenberger.

J/24 “Texas State Championship” Circuit Stop


Special thanks to Angel Shellenberger of Team Miss Conduct for agreeing to serve as the official photographer for DCYC’s J/24 fleet!

DCYC teams at J/24 Worlds in Toronto

We are proud of our two J/24 teams who traveled to Canada to participate in the J/24 Worlds regatta.

Team Miss Conduct and Team Bad Moon both did the Club and Texas proud. Congratulations to all!

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Enter a captionImage courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Image courtesy of Victoria Hielscher

Commodore’s Report

From the Commodore


With everybody so busy with school kids and the other, we did not have sufficient content for a Hailer, so in lieu of, you get just me.

First, my heart and prayers go out to all those affected by Hurricane Harvey. From the pictures I’ve seen, it’s devastating and I can’t imagine being there. I have a sister and two nieces living there and some personal pictures they shared with me were frightening. They did not experience much more than wet carpet and confinement to their homes, however I can’t say that for several members of the club with second homes in Rockport and Port Aransas. I’ve seen some pictures and homes are beyond repairs and it just leaves you heartbroken for them and I wish them the best. I’m so grateful Texans have come together to lend a helping hand  and for all the 1st responders, including my son from Salt Lake City  and support from all the states.

Here at DCYC, we have we been blessed with a great August. While it has been hot, I don’t recall an August with so many days under 100, plus the rain has been well received and keeping the lake at good levels and the club looking green. Let’s just hope September doesn’t bring any surprises.

Did you attend the great Steak Dinner on the 5th? If not, you missed a great meal plus a great time to meet and greet other members. We had over 70 members show up and from what I could tell, all had a great time. A great big thank you to Suzanne Glorioso who hosted the dinner and those that helped her.

These member dinners are a great way to get involved in the club and any member can make it happen. If you have a special meal you would like to share with the club, come forward and host a dinner. You determine the date , the menu, what it’s going to cost (pad it a little so you don’t come up short), and then set the price to charge members. The club will collect and reimburse you for your actual expenses. Coordinate it with our entertainment Chair, Pam Hancock, and she will help you get it on the DCYC calendar and start the reservations. Too much for one person? Then get with another member couple and make it a tag team. And if your still not comfortable, just organize a pot luck, arrange for food trucks, do a cocktail hour, wine tasting or game night or anything that just brings us together. This is your club, so step forward and make it happen. You will get all the support you need.

On a recent Friday, what started out with a text to few turned out to be about 20 plus members at the club enjoying steak, chicken, crab, corn on the cob all cooked in front of us by new member Dave Lorenat and ended up with a few going out on an evening boat ride. I’ve said it before, the more you hang at the club the more enjoyable it becomes.

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Chris Dickey, our Rear Commodore/Membership guy, and his wife Kim put on a great new member orientation and welcome party. Not only did Chris and Kim spent many hours in the kitchen before the party, Chris had a great bar set up serving blue agave Margaritas. I believe we had 90% participation from new members and the follow-up and meet and greet with existing members was great. Welcome all new members!

How often do you talk about DCYC with your friends, neighbors, work partners, restaurants or other public opportunities??  The person in the next office or standing next to you at the checkout line might not even know we exist or just may be a sailor that moved here recently. I was in Elliott’s hardware the other day inquiring about the stack of pallets they had stored in the back (thinking black floats) and a lady overheard the conversation with the manager. She came up to me and asked a thousand questions as her family moved here from San Diego 6 months ago and did quite a bit of sailing with friends. I was at LSA in Denton (a great place with live music) and the couple next to me over heard me and Phyllis talking about DCYC (about all we talk about this year) and they too seemed very interested. The point is talk about DCYC any chance you get and spread the word. We need to build up our membership.   You ask why?

  • Increase funds to expedite DCYC improvements
  • Improve Volunteerism for events
  • Improve participation in Sailing events
  • More options for crew
  • Introduce new families to the joy of sailing or boating
  • Expand the Youth Sailing program
  • More people, more fun

So put your marketing hat on and bring in some new members.

Share your talent with DCYC. There are far too few members doing the majority of the tasks at DCYC. With over 180 members, I’m disappointed that so few step up and help the club. I’m sure all of you have a specialty or talent that could benefit the club in some way. Are you an electrician, plumber, craftsman, designer, artist, business owner, bookkeeper, CPA, sales person, marketing specialist, Facebook/ tweeter/ Instagram/social media geek or have connections with someone? If so step forward and let me know. We can always use extra helping hands. Currently we are exploring doing a major social media marketing campaign to get new members. Can you help? We are also exploring getting year round sponsors for the club. Can you help?  If so, contact me or any BOG member or flag officer.

What else has been going on?

Your dock committee headed up by John Lusk continues to meet monthly, brain storming ways to improve the break water, dock ramp approaches, courtesy dock improvements and other. Thanks to work parties coordinated by Tim Johnson, we are making progress removing some of the old metal docks in the bone yard and stacking floats for relocation to clear that eyesore from the entrance. Thank you to the volunteers that have been helping out. For those of you who haven’t helped you’re in luck. More work parties are on the calendar so it’s your turn to step up.

The long range planning committee headed by Dave Meek continues to meet monthly. Some topics have been rearranging dry storage parking, outdoor amenity improvements, replacement reserves, membership and much more.

What’s about to happen?            

Please review the DCYC calendar and get involved in an upcoming event.  Some highlights I see include:

9-3-17. Sunday Labor Day Pot Luck and Raft Up. The fun starts at 4:30 PM Bring a dish, bring your beverage of choice and relax pool side. Join the raft up at 6 till sunset. See the web site for details and sign up now.

9-9-17. Saturday Night (Disco) Fever Night hosted by Michelle Ditmer & Teresa Connell Meek. You know this will be a great time for all. Sign up now.

9-16-17 A Picnic on The Lake will be a great opportunity for motor boat members and sailors to social and mingle at John Horwdel’s back yard at Lakewood Village.  Sign up now.

9-9-17 Fall Series Race # 1. And several weeks after.  Get out and sail, who cares if you win or lose, just get on the water. Interested in crewing?  Every boat needs 3-8 crew members; you need to start sometime. If interested in crewing contact the fleet captain Heather Fahle.

9-30-17 Pirates of the Corinthian. I look forward to this event every year. The club grounds will be full of youth and Jr sailors from several other clubs. This is a great opportunity to volunteer and help out. I always help with race committee as I love to be on the water watching the young sailors

10-14 17 Terlingua In Exile. Our second regatta of the year and again the club will be full of synergy. Another chance for you to get involve and lend a helping hand. In the evening the kids make boats out of sticks and cans and race in the pool. It’s a event you don’t want to miss.

10-28-17 Halloween Party!  A great time for everyone to get dressed up for the best Halloween costume party ever, so call the sitter, put the kids to bed. It’s time for the Grown-Ups to raise the Dead!   Witches Brew will be flowing or bring your own Poison.

What needs to happen!

Have you signed up on yet?  If not, I’m going to keep preaching this sermon until everyone is on. The majority, about 75% of the members are now using the system and it has cut down a great deal of time processing checks. If you buy anything on line, its really no different except you can’t pay by credit card.  The system is FDIC insured, so it’s as safe as it can be. You can select to manually pay each month or auto pay. I personally selected auto pay. It sends me a notice before they debit my account. Remember that Steak Dinner we had at the club that was $10.00 each. Because I’m on auto pay, it paid the charge for me BUT PRIOR TO THE PAYMENT, A NOTICE WAS SENT TO ME, per the notice below. If I had a problem with it, say it should have been for only one person, I could have stopped it.


Dear James,

Thank you for using Auto Pay!

This payment to Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club will be made from your Bank Account James E. Hankins ******3960 on 08/21/17.

Pay To Invoice # Invoice Amount Amount Paid Pay On
Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club Inv4914 $20.00 $20.00 08/21/17
Total: $20.00

Since processes payments on behalf of Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club, this payment will show up on your bank statement as “Dallas Corinthian”.
If you don’t want to pay Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club automatically anymore:
1. Log in to
2. Mouse over the gear icon at the top right corner and click “Auto Pay is On”
3. Click “Edit” icon, then deselect “Automatically Pay Bills”

Thank you,
Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club


It’s so simple and no more late charges because I forgot or paid the same old amount. Most Apartment Communities and management companies now require their residents to pay using or similar systems to reduce cost and handling. If you are still paying by ACH, you might be saving yourself time since your bank is sending the check for you but we are still receiving your paper check.  We don’t have staff to do admin work, because to do so would mean increasing membership dues. We have our volunteer TREASURER Jeff Ellefson handling this who also has a full time job. He spends hours to go to POB, or track down your check, open envelopes, fill out deposits slips and then must drive that check to the bank for deposit, when it could and should be done electronically. Please help me help your club . Sign up for today go to:

If you have any issues and or questions,  please call or email the DCYC Treasurer Jeff Ellefson, CPA at 972-447-9912 or

Don’t forget!

“The overall enjoyment and fun that happens at DCYC occurs when you become involved, meeting new people and contributing to the ownership and camaraderie of our club.  DCYC is a MEMBER OWNED ALL VOLUNTEER OPERATED club.  It takes each and every one of us contributing in some way to keep the yacht club fun, inviting, and fully operational.”

I want DCYC to be the best place it can be and hope each of you want the same.

Please know my door is always open. If you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints concerning your club, please get in touch with me.

If you want to get more involved with special projects, or have a company or the resources to help DCYC in any way, please get in touch with me.

I’ll be waiting to hear from you!

We can’t adjust the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

James Hankins




Top Ranked Laser Radial Youth Sailor in Texas: Lucija Ruzevic

Lucija Ruzevic, daughter of Nino and Lara Ruzevic, just returned from competing in the US Junior Championships for the Smythe Trophy where she secured a 6th place finish among twenty of the most elite laser radial youth sailors in the US. This year, Lucija was the only girl to qualify for the laser radial division. That meant she was going head-to-head with nineteen young men who were all older, bigger, and more experienced than Lucija, and she beat almost three-quarters of them.

Only two youth sailors from each of the eleven districts are eligible to compete in their class at the US Junior Championships, held in Toms River, New Jersey in 2017. To secure her invitation to the US Junior Championships, Lucija had to place in the top two at the highly-competitive Smythe qualifiers held at the Gulf Coast Championships.

IMG_9940 for blog post

Image courtesy of Marie Nuchols

It was only earlier this year that Lucija started racing radials. Lucija has graduated to progressively bigger boats twice in just eighteen months. It was early in 2016 that Lucija moved from Optis to the 4.7 laser fleet. She sailed the 4.7 for less than a year before moving up to the laser radials in April.

The 4.7 was a great fleet for Lucija, too. You will recall that she was the top ranked 4.7 sailor in Texas for the 2016 season, earning her seat at the Race of Champions held at White Rock earlier this year.

Now in the radial class for less than a year, she is the top ranked youth radial sailor in TSA.

Lucija will compete in three final TSA regattas in 2017, including our own Pirates of the Corinthian. As this season winds down, she is maintaining her strength/cardio training that includes two core workouts a day in addition to an hour of swimming.

Professional sailing coach Scott Lindley continues to guide Lucija’s sailing career and considers her a remarkably coachable sailor. “She listens and does what you ask her. And she asks the right questions. She is one of the youngest kids out there (in the laser radial class). She has some things to learn about sailing under pressure, but she is handling pressure more maturely than most kids.” Coach Lindley added that it’s Lucija’s passion for sailing that sets her apart from her competition.


Image courtesy of Laura Burns




US Youth Championships held at Corpus Christi Yacht Club, held in June 25-28, 2017.  Images courtesy of Emily Stoke of Corpus Christi Yacht Club.


Glorioso Steak Night


“Saturday I had the pleasure of hosting dinner for 73 fabulous people. Dinner consisted of ribeyes, baked potatoes and an wonderful salad made by Ms. Leslie Maynard. The weather was great for grilling and the race that followed dinner. I think a great time was had by all that attended. A special thanks for Ms. Leslie Maynard, Mr. Massey for the grill, cleaning, etc, David Lorenat for being the Grill Master, and the awesome and always helpful Hankins, Hancocks and Hoffmans. We have a great club!! DB you’re next!”


Steak night was attended by more than sixty members of the club. Many thanks to James Hankins for the images.




Image courtesy of James Hankins

People attending the event had the opportunity to watch the fourth race in our Full Moon Race Series!

Fourth of July at the Club!

New seating at the gazebo + Holiday gets a new windex

Dan Wolf built some remarkably comfortable built-in seating at the gazebo on the breakwater. Check this out! Perfect place to chill out. Massive thanks going out to Dan!!


While we were there to check out Dan’s great work, we found Matt Cerralvo all the way up Holiday’s mast replacing the windex. How’s the view, Matt?


Image courtesy of msn’s camera phone.


Image courtesy of msn’s camera phone.



Image courtesy of msn’s camera phone.

Lucija and J/24s at the Coast this weekend

This weekend finds DCYC sailors at the coast for two different events. In the first, Lucija Ruzevic is competing in the 2017 US Youth Championships. Read this from their website:

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (June 21, 2017) – For the second time since 2013, the Corpus Christi Yacht Club will host the pinnacle event for youth sailing in the United States. The 2017 US Youth Championships will bring together over 175 of America’s top youth sailors, with qualification for the 2017 Youth Sailing World Championships on the line in four of the six classes. Sailors under 20, both young men and women, will race on Corpus Christi Bay over four days, beginning Sunday, June 25 through Wednesday, June 28.

As with all US Sailing Junior and Youth National Championships, competitors will receive world-class event management and support. The 2017 U.S. Youth Championships will be run by a team of experienced judges, coaches and race officers who will provide high quality racing for America’s top youth talent. Since the first edition of the Youth Champs in 1973, the regatta has served as a transformative step for young sailors who aspire to reach the highest levels of sailing. U.S. Youth Championship participants fill the rosters of successful college sailing programs and routinely achieve All-American status. The Youth Champs is also part of the pathway for ambitious athletes who hope to earn a place on the US Sailing Team, and ultimately at the Olympic Games.

Lucija has worked tirelessly to earn her spot at this event and we know she will do well.

We are so very proud of you, Lucija! SAIL FAST!


Also at the coast this weekend are two of DCYC’s J/24 teams competing in the 2017 Beasley Cup at the Houston Yacht Club, the fourth circuit stop for the Texas J/24s: Chris Holmes with TEAM BADMOON and James Freedman with TEAM MISS CONDUCT.

We are proud of our J/24 teams! SAIL FAST, Y’ALL!!


Lucija takes top honors at Chocopalooza!


On June 3-4, Lucija took top honors in Laser Radial at the Chocopalooza Regatta held at Rush Creek Yacht Club, a Bemis Qualifying event. 



Image courtesy of Lara Ruzevic


Lucija’s summer schedule is full to the brim with racing. Check out this crazy schedule:

June 9-11, Lucija is heading to the Laser Gulf Coast Championships in Corpus Christi. Note that this regatta is also the US Sailing Area F qualifier for the Chubb U.S. Junior Championship held in New Jersey.

June 17-18th, she will race at the Rockin’ Rockport Regatta on the Coast. 

June 24-28 will find Lucija at the U.S. Youth Championship at the Corpus Christi Yacht Club. Her dad shared this about the event: “Only 200 youth sailors form across the US got invited (qualified) for this event. Lucija is one of only 14 laser radial girls who qualified (radial fleet: 14 girls and 31 boys)!

July 6-11th, she is competing in the U.S. Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship for the Nancy Leiter Clagett Memorial Trophy at the Houston Yacht Club.

The dates for the Texas Youth Race Week at Lakewood Yacht Club overlap somewhat with the Leiter Cup, but she may also attempt to compete in this event, as well.

And I bet you thought your summer was busy!

Lucija, we are tremendously proud of your hard work and dedication to the sport of sailing.

Go get ’em, Lucija!! SAIL FAST!!



Brunch in Honor of Carol’s Retirement

A potluck brunch was offered in honor of Carol Robert’s retirement from her longtime service as the accountant for the club. The brunch was hosted by Pauline Chetlet, Heather Fahle, Pam Hancock and Marie Nuchols.

Commodore Hankins made a special presentation recognizing Carol’s dedication and demanding workload.

We are all so thankful for Carol’s indefatigable service to DCYC. Though she will remain a member, her smiling face will be missed by all who work with her.

Thank you for everything, Carol!

Spring Series Winner + DCYC’s Youngest (and quite possibly most adorable) Member

Congratulations to our Winners from the Spring Series!


PHRF B: Dick Peters and TEAM YODA

We want to especially thank our sponsor, Audacity! Allison and her sister, Phoebe, joined us for the awards ceremony and brought along a couple cases of our favorite brews!

Check out these happy sailors!! IMG_3197-Dick-smIMG_3203-Matt-SMIMG_3204-WBIMG_3210-SMIMG_3211-SM

Joining the party was Rachel, one of our newest and likely our very youngest member! Ari and Amy are Rachel’s proud parents. Be sure to say hi to Rachel and her lovely parents when you see them around the club.


Commodore’s Regatta Report

By James Hankins

The Annual DCYC Heritage Cub 2017 regatta has come and gone. Personally, I believe it was a great success and would like to thank all of those that participated. We had 36 boats on the water and without boats on the water it wouldn’t be much of a regatta, so a big Thank You to all those that traveled—some as far away as Corpus Christi—as well our members here at the club.

Regattas just don’t happen without a lot of planning and help. Thank God for Charles and Janell Hoffman who co-chaired in 2016 and chaired this year (2017) and have been planning and preparing this since last year. What great leadership we had with them at the helm.

It’s a long list but would also like to recognized the following:

Cash Sponsors: Slalom Shop, SVT Tronics, ACR Realty Inc, David & Kristin Lyon, Steve & Sheryl Stout, Charles & Janell Hoffman, John Pearson and Mr. Anonymous.

In-Kind Sponsors: Mariner Sails, Don Q Rum, Norma’s Café, Audacity Beer, Reddy Ice, Texas Body Works, IDLife

Member Volunteers & Non-Members:

David Patterson – Race Management Team Captain / John Lusk – Regatta Logistics Team Captain /  Tonja Sanchez Holmes-Moon – Registration / Judge Team Captain /  Jessica Hancock – Registration / Accounting/ Phyllis Hankins – Entertainment Team Captain / Rum Happy Hour Chair / Marie Nuchols – Promotions Team Captain /Peter Brigaitis – Fleet Promotions/ Heather Fahle – Sponsor Recruiting / Suzanne Glorioso –  Committee Boat  / Lesley Maynard – Breakfast / housekeeping / Dick Peters – Scoring / Dagny Boaz – Race Equipment / Pauline Chetelat – Breakfast / Pam Hancock – Sunday Lunch, with husband Jim Hancock / Kim Dickey, Justin Adams  FUNDRAISING / Janet Bilhartz, Susan Crittenden, Bob & Susan Maeyama & non-members Alexa Stevens, Jessica Johnston, Juliet Thomas DINNER HELPERS/ Skip Bilhartz, & non-members Mike Smith, James Hamilton, Mark Hoffmann, Ross Glorioso FISH FRYERS / Dan Crittenden, James Cooley, Lynn Harpold VIP BOATS Michele Ditmer, REGISTRATION /Lara Ruzevic T-Shirt Sales: Edna Brown, non-member Judy RuzyckiDave Meek, Tim Johnson  GENERAL HELPERS and a big thank you to Mark Blanchard for all that he did as well

        (And there are countless others that are not listed that volunteered at this regatta)

 If you did not participate, you missed out on a great opportunity to make a lot of friends working shoulder to shoulder. I have personally been involved for the last 7 years and see a lot of the same volunteer’s year after year and it’s time for those not participating to step up and share in this great effort.

See you next Year!