DCYC Spring Series Wrap-up

With last Saturday’s race, the 2017 Spring Series at DCYC has come to a successful close.

With the low winds forecast for the day, not everyone was optimistic about the race coming off. We even BRIEFLY discussed cancelling the race, but certain very wise individuals gave counsel to the effect of “if you cancel the race, the winds will come up”, and “if you cancel it, we will be mad”, and in one case, simply “no”, so we ran the race. Although the winds started out low and shifty, the breeze did fill in throughout the day, and as usual, we had a great time out there. With the low wind early on, it was a good opportunity for many of the sailors to catch up on their adult beverage intake.

And so, without further ado, the winners of the Spring Series are:

In the PHRF-A fleet, Matt Harden on “When in Rome”, faithfully crewed throughout the season by Peter Brigatis and Tim Kraft, handily nailed down first place. Dan Wolf on “Scoots” came in second, and David Patterson on “Adios” came in 3rd.

For the PHRF-B fleet, it was a runaway season for Dick Peters on “Yoda.” Dick, along with crew Elizabeth Hawes, Jessica Watts, Chris Osborn, and Stephanie Lightfoot, had what would be referred to in baseball as a “1.000 season.” It was bullets all the way. Jim Ryan with crew Dolores Ryan on Rokon took second place.

It must be mentioned that there were a few skippers and crew who didn’t race on Saturday because they were working. Dave Patterson was one of those skippers, and he was also celebrating his birthday with his family, including his granddaughter. Dagny said that he was supposed to have a work-free day since it was his birthday. I’m not sure what that looks like for Dave, as he was most certainly around the club doing things that looked A LOT like work to me. As usual, our deepest thanks to those of you who are always behind the scenes doing stuff, even when it is your birthday.  Want to read more about Saturday’s work party? I knew you did.

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